4th Sunday of Advent

The 2011 census relating to England and Wales has garnered quite a bit of media comment. The big picture brush strokes get the press coverage. In 2001 71.7% of the population said they were Christian and now in 2011 it’s 59.3%. The percentage of…

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3rd Sunday of Advent

This week I renewed my First Aid qualification. The overall aim of the course was the Red Cross’ 3 P’s – preserve life; prevent worsening; promote recovery. Our instructor quipped that it means ‘trying not to panic as you help until the cavalry arrives’….

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2nd Sunday of Advent

A pregnant duchess ill in hospital. A prank call from an Australian radio station. Success in terms of the radio programme with a few laughs. Life goes on. But in this case, it doesn’t for one. I don’t know if there’s a connection but…

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1st Sunday of Advent

The Luddites were 19th century textile workers who objected to the introduction of new machinery (with their accompanying lower paid workers) which would rob them of their livelihoods. What is remembered about them, I think, is that they smashed machinery. So when people use…

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