The 8th Sunday after Pentecost

I read an article* that suggested that one of the reasons Christianity is struggling today is that it’s ‘humanity focus’ (the article said ‘anthropocentrism’) is increasingly at odds with the world views of the last 500 years. With Copernicus we now orbit the sun…

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The 7th Sunday after Pentecost

I read an Australian news feed summarising the issues of the day. There are times you can’t help but laugh. Yesterday (7th July) was World Chocolate Day. Today starts Diabetes Week (sponsored by Diabetes Australia). Were they accidentally together? Did Diabetes Australia choose the…

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The 6th Sunday after Pentecost

This week … words from someone else … Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582) … which I found challenging. It is needless for me to warn you against the earthly peace which comes from honours, be-cause the poor never meet with much honour. However,…

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