The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Lord, I want COVID-19! Yes, give it to me right now! I want it so I can get it out of the way. Oh, Lord, … um, I don’t want to die … … … I’m not doubting the resurrection, mind you, it’s just…
Lord, I want COVID-19! Yes, give it to me right now! I want it so I can get it out of the way. Oh, Lord, … um, I don’t want to die … … … I’m not doubting the resurrection, mind you, it’s just…
Who has remembered Mothering Sunday (Mother’s Day) today? Well done you! Blessings to all mothers! I expect that this will be a Mothering Sunday to remember in the family history because of the difference to the past. In former times the 4th Sunday in…
“To talk about the coronavirus or not talk about the coronavirus?” That is the question! How do you feel? (About reading on! 😉 ) Is there are sense of exasperation? (“Oh no, not again! More fear mongering.) Is there a sense of relief almost?…
This Sunday we have Part 2 following on from last Sunday. We continue Martin Luther’s (1539) ‘Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio’ and pick up with meditation. Enjoy! Second, you should meditate, not only in your heart but also outwardly, repeating and comparing the actual, literal words…
This Sunday will be a first … a ‘blurb’ in two parts. Part 1 today and Part 2 next Sunday. It is material from Martin Luther in the Preface to the Wittenberg Edition of his German works, 1539, and is popularly known as ‘Oratio,…