Palm Sunday

When Egeria travelled in the Levant (381-384) she recorded many things on her travels one of which was a description of the events in Jerusalem in Holy Week. There were many services, gatherings, walking to various places and on Sunday afternoon having gathered at…

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Palm Sunday

Recalling Sesame Street which was brought to us by particular letters and numbers, today’s news and views and social commentary seem to be stuck on the letter ‘B’. It is so dominant that it sucks in everything near to it. It consumes inexorably. Nothing…

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Palm Sunday

My phone, it seems, is dying … by degrees. It’s been getting slower. I thought it was the battery – and maybe it is – but that’s not easily replaceable. So over the last week or so all the various things I can use…

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Palm Sunday

Compared with the amount of knowledge on the subject, I know little about alcohol. I know there are a variety of beers, ciders, wine, and spirits; ales, lagers, red wine, white wine, port, whiskey, rum – and I could list more! However I don’t…

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Palm Sunday

I laughed out loud in the car. This wasn’t a smile or a grin but a laugh that went for a few miles. I’m still smiling as I type. Not sure why it tickled me so much – after all, it was just a…

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Palm Sunday

This week my thoughts have turned away from the Tiber in Rome to the Thames in England (thinking about Pastor Steve’s column in The British Lutheran). Actually the river I should have been thinking about is the River Stour because on it lies the…

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