For The Conversion of St Paul

I remember my surprise at hearing the story of a person who was engaged breaking off the engagement having met someone else. That’s a change of direction one doesn’t usually expect. (The ‘new’ couple married and are still happily married.) I think changes of…

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For The Conversion of St Paul

I remember my surprise at hearing the story of a person who was engaged breaking off the engagement having met someone else. That’s a change of direction one doesn’t usually expect. (The ‘new’ couple married and are still happily married.) I think changes of…

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For The Epiphany of Our Lord

What a week! We’ve watched in horror and sadness the unfolding events in Paris. I think the phrase ‘Je suis Charlie’ will be a hallmark of any retrospective on 2015. The events have triggered memories people have had of other events – Sydney, London,…

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